Seriously i miss blog-ing D;
Why ?
I also dont know , probly because everytime i'm online , i'll be posting something :')
How rajin am I right ? Ahha ;D
Okay , how are you ? I'm about to tell you a story about my vacation .
Wait ! Dont want to know about it ?
Please click the red button on your left side .
Thanks :)
Here it goes ,
On the third raya day , my 'not-so-big' family went to Jakarta & Bandung . Totally excited . Ahaaa ;p Want me to listed their name ? Sure ~
- Nur Izzati - me
- Junaidah - mama
- Mohd Hatta - papa
- Nabilah - sys
- Ashman Hafeez - 1st abang
- Aliff Kaizzal - 2nd abang
- Zulhisham - paksu
- Rohana - maksu
- Kyra Azalea - Kaiya
- Rosni - maklong
- Abu Yaziz - paklong
- Hadri - Abg Ayie
- Fadhli - Abg Ili
- Farissa - Kak Acha
Okay now we're moving on .
We flew to Jakarta by an aircraft called 'KLM Royal Dutch Airline'. Never heard about that ? Awhh , pity you ;D It took us about An Hour And Half to reached our destination . It was a not so smooth landing by the way . So , we considered it's FAILURE . I can do better than they are with lots & lots of instruction 'how to manage landing for dummies' . Moved on then , we're departure from Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 1640 local time . Journey ? Not so great cuz of the RIOT thingy between their country with ours . Haih . Nevermind .
We reached Jakarta at 1830 at their place . It was just fine . After we've got through the imigration part , we all just like ' whathefcuk ? gila ketat muka semua . mcm nak penampar je ' HAHA ! It's true though . Seems too bold ;D HAHAHA ! Then we claimed our baggages . It was so light so we dont need a trolley . At all ! How cool was that ? Then we chattered two drivers to drove us to Semanggi Mall , Jakarta . There were so many people yaw ! I nearly faint [lies :)] But yeah , it's the first day so it maybe gonna be a good start .
Then off to Pondok Indah , Golf Course Apartment . Yeah , that's the name of the place that we were staying . It's kinda cool you know . Although it's called as 'apartment' , it seems most like a 'hotel' . Seriously . All those security check and whtsoever ;D Just it was the best vacation lah . Haha , i'm tooooo lazy to type all the memories . For the picture , later i'll post with moreeeeeeeee misery . HAHA !
Oh and by the way . I met Teera Azhar & Nina Azhar at Bandung . Dudee ! I've never met people in overseas ! So it was so cool ! Hehe ;DD
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