H E Y H E Y .
Erhh , i just want to share something about him . Dosen't interested ? Leave this blog okay ? And please , dont come here again ;D Urghh , how i wanna start eh . Hurmm .
Okay , here it goes . Semua orang mesti nak someone special in their life kan ? Well , i got mine . And he's the best thing that had ever happened to me . From the first time i met him , i fell inloved with him . But , he's taken . HAHA , kesian kan ? Nvm . After a few month , i guess just a few days before Raya , there's a person name Amirul Abu Hassan , Instant Message me at Facebook . Mula mula , sangat tak kenal . Memang mengambil masa yang lama nak reply dia punya IM sebab , yeah , nak tengok gambar dia pe semua . Then after tengok tu , gila starstrukk . Haha , why ? Sebab tak sangka dia akan tegur . Haha , i still remembered dia punya date and first IM ,
16th . September . 2010
' Gila tinggi level Nightclub City :D '
You guys bayangkan , dengan takde bg salam nye . HAHA , so from there , kitorang mula rapat . By rapat i mean rapat gila :) Macam dah kenal lama . Hee , actually tak kenal pun siapa Amirul Abu Hassan mula mula . Then dah chat semua . Woahh , baru tahu dia actually mcm mana . First first ingat dia ni sombong , player , rempitt , poyo and semua benda negative lah ! Dah kenal tu mcm , awhhh . Sweet gilababi :') Then almost everynight kitorang chat . Non-stop . Best sangat sangat .
Then raya kedua kan I went to Bandung . Taktahu kenapa , terasa rindu sangat dekat dia . Rasa mcm tak sabar nak balik . Padahal lama lagi kat sana , haha . Then , one week di sana , it's time to flew back home . Gila excited . Seriously rindu dia sangat sangat . Orang sepatutnya balik balik mesty unpack barang semua kan ? But i'm not . Balik tu , jejak je kaki dalam rumah tu , campak bagasi yg besar tuh then terus lari naik atas cari laptop ! Tak sabar gila nak online . Haha , then bukak bukak je facebook , dia online . Woahh , gila best . Then org start tegur dulu . I cant remember when . But just tegur ' Heyy :) ' .
Then dia ada kata ' asyik online je , ada muka ejaa ' . Gilalah ! Ayat dia kadang kadang makan penampar kan ? Haha , takpe , i'm juts cool with it . Awhh , i think i'm inloved with him , i mean that time lah :) Then after merepek tuu , dia kata ' eh . ermm . nak number phone boleh tak ? nanti senang nak contact ' . Wahh , suka gila ayat tuu ! Then ejaa bagi lah . Hihi , pastu dia kata dia kena off . Ayah dia suruh study . Okay tak kesah laa kan . Then malam tu , i also remembered date , time and text ;)
26th . September . 2010
2227 hours
' Ejaa. :) '
Haaa , hebad kan kan ? Hihi . Time tu sye happy sangat sangat . Dia text woahhh ! Hihi . From that text , dia cerita . Sebenarnya , from the first time he saw me , dia jugak dah jatuh haty kat sye . Dia kata nasib je dia couple time tuh . Hihi , apa lah . So , meaning , kitorang suka sama suka that time but , without knowing each other ! Hihi Itu pun kau nak bg tahu kan Ejaa =.= Pastu kan , dia tanya ' Ejaa ni single or taken ek ? Haha ' . Soalan dia macam main main kan ? Tapi actually dia serious . Haha , Then banyak laa text text text . Every single day . Time dia PMR pun dia still text . And you know what's the sweetest thing ? Time PMR tuu , dia sanggup teman Ejaa sampai pukul 2 pagi . Hihi , padahal esok tu dia nak PMR . Gila sweet kan ? Hee :D
I still remember . Time first text tuu , dia tanya ' kita tak pernah bercakap or bertegur kan ? ' . Then i was like , hell yeah . it's true ! Kitorang tak pernah bercakap . HAHA then malam tu jugak kitorang calling calling . Woahh . bila cakap dengan dia kan , rasa mcm .... Haih , entah ! I just cant stop smiling kot . Dah macam terencat . HAHA . Anyway , still fun and so glad knowing him ;) Then a few weeks after that , we became closer and closer and closer .
And you know what , I can feel that he is the one for me , no doubt :')
Hihi , i think that's just it for now . Hee , oh and by the way , we are now counting our
Anniversary ;) How nice kan ? Heee .
I love you infinity , Mohd Amirul :)